Doomscrolling Detox: How to Balance Your Social Media Without Losing Your Mind
Ding. Another notification.
Scroll. Another tragic news update.
Click. Another video warning of impending doom.
Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Social media, especially news-heavy content that we’re all so plugged into now, can quickly become overwhelming. With TikTok’s FYP feeding us a never-ending stream of information and Instagram Reels pulling us into an emotional whirlwind (not to mention the plethora of other social media feeds,) it’s easy to feel consumed by the weight of the world.
Good Communication & Your Mental Health
Let’s face it—communication can be hard. It’s something we all rely on to build relationships, express ourselves, and navigate through life. Yet, for some reason, it often feels like one of the trickiest skills to master. What makes it even harder is how deeply tied communication is to our mental health. Whether it’s the way we talk to others or the way we speak to ourselves, the words we use and the stories we tell play a huge role in shaping how we feel, how we perceive the world, and how we connect with the people in our lives.
The Importance of Mental Health in 2025
Yes, it really is a new year. Whether it snuck up on you, or you’ve been looking forward to flipping over a new calendar, one thing may still be at the forefront of your mind: your mental health. And if so, you’re not alone.
Chosen Family
What do you think of when you hear the word family? Do you think of your brothers and sisters, parents, uncles, and aunts? Or do you think of some of your closest friends, neighbors, or colleagues? For some, the word family is no longer restricted to biological ties or legal connections and instead includes the close-knit circle of friends and loved ones we bring into our lives. These people, who truly get us, stand by us, and fill spaces traditional family might not always reach are who we call “chosen family.”
How to Meditate + 5 Places to Practice in Charlotte, NC
If you're a Charlotte local and are maybe seeking ways to connect with your community while nurturing your mental health, this post about meditation is for you. I’ll guide you through how to dip your toes into meditation and share five great places in Charlotte where you can practice.
How to Look for a Good Therapist
Learn more about what matters most when looking for a good therapist in Charlotte, NC.
Learning to Embrace the Small Shifts in Your Life
Life is a crazy, beautiful, brutal, and joyous journey, filled with transitions, some monumental and others so subtle they almost go unnoticed. While major life transitions—such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or the loss of a loved one—often garner attention and support from those around us, it’s the smaller, subtler shifts that can go unnoticed, and unfortunately, unsupported.
The Importance of Community: Why We Need Connection as Adults
Whether you’re experiencing highs or lows, we all seek (and need) connection. We need people who help us move, to watch our kids, to help us set up a party. We need people to turn to for advice, who we reach out to when we’re feeling hopeless, or who we know will just listen patiently. From the earliest days of humanity, having a community has been essential for survival, growth, and happiness.
Feeling Triggered By Others? Why Therapy Might Be the Answer
As much as we may fight our emotions as human beings, they're designed to help us; to alert us when something is dangerous or pleasurable. Sometimes though, we experience emotions that seem out of control, or jarring, and leave us reeling in their wake. These situations and individuals that evoke strong emotional reactions are called triggers. And if left unmanaged can cause obstacles in our lives.
Teacher Burnout
For such a deeply rewarding profession, teaching is incredibly demanding. In the last few years, teachers have grappled with how to connect with, teach, and organize classrooms during a pandemic, support the learning gaps and needs of students post-pandemic, and continue to struggle with the ever-present lack of resources, funding, and support.
Why Self-Love Matters in Relationships
Relationships can be beautiful, frustrating, joyous, traumatic, and so much more. But they can be particularly messy when one foundational part of us is lacking: self-love.
7 Tips to Help You Build Self-Advocacy & Personal Boundaries
I get it! Sometimes it's not easy to voice your opinions or stand up for yourself, especially if you grapple with anxiety and/or depression. When we can't voice our desires, needs, or opinions, we feel powerless and frustrated. Learn how to self-advocate and set boundaries in this article.
The Importance of Therapy: Nurturing Mental Health in Everyday Life
Therapy really is for everyone. Read more about how counseling and therapy are essential components of holistic well-being, regardless of life's perceived magnitude of challenges.
Sleep Hygiene and Your Quality of Life
You might have heard it a thousand times, but it's always a good reminder.
Poor sleep = poor health.
Kick Off the New Year with a Positive Mindset
When we think of the New Year, we often think of resolutions, goals, and otherwise things we're looking forward to achieving. We also tend to take into stock what we wanted to do, or what we didn't manage to achieve last year. Maybe things like the money we didn't manage to save, or the weight we didn't lose. When we start thinking like this, we tend to take on a negative mindset and begin to criticize ourselves.
This year, let’s shift our focus away from what we didn’t accomplish and begin the New Year with a more positive outlook.
Creating Your Own Traditions for the Holidays
The holiday season often comes with a set of traditions and rituals that we've grown up with. You might even say these traditions are what make the holidays special.
One thing’s important though. It's essential to recognize that we can create our own holiday traditions.
The Everyday Thanksgiving: Incorporating Small Gratitude into Your Life
Thanksgiving is a time when we gather with family and friends, share delicious meals, and express our gratitude for things in our lives. Some of us have the tradition of going around the table and saying what we're thankful for. While this serves as a beautiful reminder of the importance of gratitude, let's take a moment to be curious about something.
Why do we limit this ritual to just one day a year?
How to Create Healthy Boundaries to Have a Happy Holiday
The holidays are a time of joy and celebration, an opportunity to spend time with loved ones far and near. While many of us cherish our family and friends, it can also cause us a great deal of anxiety and tension.
Grief: A Nonlinear Journey of Healing
Grief is a complex and deeply personal emotion that accompanies loss. It's a process that is still often misunderstood; as much as we want grief to follow a straight path from pain to acceptance, it doesn't. Instead, it's a journey filled with twists and turns, marked by various stages that may shift and cycle.
Therapy for Educators: Supporting Teachers in the Classroom and Beyond
As caretakers, educators, and leaders for our children, teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of our society, but they are also often faced with some of the greatest stresses.